mandag 27. september 2010


I finally decided what my next subject is going to be. Yes, Deviantart. is generally a page were people can post, watch, download and discuss art. It is pronounced as divient-art, not devi-ANT-art. Totally important.

DeviantART is my favourite website, over all the other popular sites such as Facebook, YouTube, YaoiHeaven, fml and so on. DA is the perfect site for people who are interested in art. Poems, photographyes, animations, paintings and drawings from countries around the world are to be found all in one single site. Thousands on thousand of them, just waiting to be discovered.

DA has art for all interests. There are helpeful toturials and there are funny and conseptual  pictures to entertain or provoke. The reason why Devaintart is such a great site, is because of its seriousity. Most of the people on DA are serious, art-interested people, who gives constuctive critique and encourage other art-interested-people to keep doing whatever they do. DA is full of respect and joy after my opinion. But there are of course deviants. (<--word play)

My DA-account is the following:
Please visit.

Mata yo!

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