tirsdag 21. juni 2011

Dolls, school, work... as usual

Starting with the worst. Last day of school tomorrow... well, I haven't been in school the past couple of weeks... only today I had to deliver my books^^''
I have actually diched class a couple of times but that is only because the grades was set and we didn't do anything but watch movies and drink tea.

Tomorrow I'm off to Langhus to stand on rollerblades wih my friends^^ I'm really looking forward to it. I haven't   been able to "roll" as much this year... My best rollerblade friend operated his toes, making him unable to put on anything on his feet. But NOW they've healed : D yay! Rollerblades one of my favourite thing about summer! ... its ice skating in the witnher ^^'' : 3

Work, work, work... soon I'll have more! -.- But I make a lot of money, so I don't care^^ I like to work.

And now on to dolls! (I don't usually write long enteries... I don't know why... lazyness >:3)
My dolls are soon ready for Desucon^^
I've decided to only wear the same clothes as Victor the SECOND day. We are going as ourselves the first day. naturally....
I was going to loosen Victors string... in his arms... but there wasn't more to go on >:( fu, Have to buy more.

The Luts package arrived today! Only a couple of things for me though :3
A couple of wig-caps and jeans for .... well, I was thinking of Jesper, but he doesn't have a body yet and it surprisingly fit Victor >W< So he'll have them for a while. They where a bit short though, so I folded them :D

 First of.. I found this old picture of Victor with Fabian's old shirt >W<

 I just wanted to add this because you can see Victor's back in the back XD
...he has a nice back .. ... ...

These are his new pants from Luts!
What do you think?

 Oh and I haven't showed off his new watch! It's actually working XD
I didn't notice until the day after I first tried it on! lol

And one last thing : 3
He's gotta tatoo!
I don't know how long it will last, but I have plenty more ^^ hihi

See ya at Desucon or somethig!
Take care~<3

torsdag 9. juni 2011

Sent them away

Victor is sitting in the sofa in the middle of Fabian and Ludvig. But he has no head!
That is because I have sent both his, and Jesper's head for face-up! : D
They are now sent to Miu who is going to do her best^^

She is going to finnish them for Desucon :3 I'm goint to miss Victor... But I'll manage ^^

Luts is finally shipped and Dollmore has arrived long ago :3

 I'm going to wear the same clothes as Victor on Desucon : D

 Doctor coat from Dollmore. WAY too big.

Comment if you want^^