onsdag 22. desember 2010

The Legend of Zelda~the games of games~

I planed to post an update before, but that would have been a boring one. This is a gaming blog after all.
So here it is, an update at last. I also thought I would start using leagal photos. My conscience took over at the end.

Logo owned by Nintendo

Here I go. The Legend of Zelda game series. My good old favourite. Actually, is not that long since I started playing the games. Well, I played a little "Link to the past" for GBA in my childhood, but I didn't like it that much. Too difficult for me. But at Junior High, I bought Wind Waker for my precious GameCube, and I LOVED it! It was like a game revolution for me! I never finished it though.

Me and my younger brother have played a lot of Zelda together. Mostly Wind Waker for GC and Phantom Hourglass for Dual Screen.

The other game I fell in love with was Phantom Hourglass. The first Zelda game for DS. It is a lot of fun, though I finished it after a couple of weeks or something. (I had to start over after my brother deleted my save)
The game is easy to play, therefore I like it. The way you move around is simply brilliant! You have to try it yourself if you alredy haven't.

Character owned by Nintendo

Now, after some years I have become a big fan of the Zelda gameseries. I'll make a list of the games I own along with a comment.

Phantom Hourglass - DS - my favourite
Spirit Tracks - DS - fun at the start. Driving train and stuff but got boring.
Twilight Princess - GameCube and Wii - a bit too dark for me, but really fun
Wind Waker - GameCube - fun all the way
Four Sword - GameCube and GameBoy Advance - different, but fun
Link to the Past - GameBoy Advance - really hard to play
Link's Awakening - GameBoy Color - fun, but hard to play

I also have Ocarina of Time and Majoras Mask and some older games for GameCube, but I haven't played them much so. The moon in MM is WAY to scary >__<

I'm totally looking farward to Skyward Sword for Wii >W<

Mata ne!