torsdag 5. mai 2011

Doll update and work

Today, the Bernard head was shipped from California. I'm looking forward to get him, but I won't buy him a body at first. I want to wait a little. (I decided on the PopoDoll body) I have to get him a face-up as and some clothes :3 We have a lot of spare clothes at home atm and I soon also have a really expensive order on Luts T.T
Thats why.... I'll have to work! I finally managed to find myself a job (which is better payed that TusenFryd where I worked for two seasons). My first day is today! >W< I'm a little excited. I haven't even met my boss... Well well, my job is not far from my school and stuff so I'm very glad^^ Wish me luck!

I'll have to get him, my dear Victor a new face-up as well. 
I'm not a huge fan of Dream of Doll's default face-ups^^'
I actually even want to modd his face! Sand his nose, cheeks and stuff.
The Luke sculpt is not my favourite, but I think I will like him more after I have put him under the sandpaper
...poor Victor. He is such a good boy.

Yall hear from me soon!

2 kommentarer:

  1. I can barely wait to see him :D

    And no...DoD´s default face ups are very...plain.
    I`m curious as to how he`ll turn out if you do the sanding :D

  2. yeah, and it's like very... brown. I dont like the color and I think the brows are wierd too.

    I'm curious as well :3 I'll take it really slow so I don't ruin him^^'
