Ok, so I promised myself I would write something today as well. But you know what? I... will... MAYBE... buy Chrom soon >W< omg I'm so excited! I almost can't wait! I've been drevling on that doll for AGES, and when all my hope was gone, it was for sale! Here! In Oslo! It's a miracle! a sign! *breathes* gahd.... If I'ld only got some money to buy him. I haven't got a job yet, and I don't want to borrow 3300 kr from my gf, and my mom won't let me buy him. But I guess I have to borrow if I'm not going to miss my only chance to get him.
*sigh* adicction is the worst~
I also found out that I might not get to Japan this summer... I've alredy bought the flightickets, but I guess nothing is for sure. I'm hoping for Japan to get better and the radioactive stuff to stop. I don't want more Japanese people to die. I feel so sorry for them.
*sigh* catastophees like this is the worst~
You should definitely get him! Chrom is a great doll, his face/mold is wonderful!
SvarSlett(I had one a while back but SD dolls just werent my thing.)
But you should probably suede his joints because SOOM joints is a b**** sometimes :´D
I also own a Chrom head.. (which I bought from Devon) And he's really pretty ;)
SvarSlettI WILL get him for sure! :3
SvarSlettHe is so pretty indeed >w<
I will just get the Chrom head with a Soom supergem body^^
I will suede him if necessary. Thanks for the tip. : D