It's a lot of fun! There are tons of funny minigames and even more of those who are not all that funny, but all in all it's a rally good game. ...for a party. Playing the game alone doesn't seem that fun. Maybe someone think it is, but I guess it's made for more than one person to play. Like 3 or 4. I also have Mario Party 8 for Nintendo Wii. There you have to do more variant things than just press one button all the time.
MP 4 is much simpler, and therefore I love it. I know, I'm wierd.
For christmas I wish for Mari Party DS, which is awsome!

I also have been listening to this band... actually I've been listening to TWO new bands. Otep and Depeche Mode. Both are great in different ways after my opinion.
Otep really have some great songs. I never thought I would end up listening to them. It's like a female taht screams, raps, growls and sings! How much better can it be!? However, some songs are too boring for me to like them. I like "The Lord is my Weapon", "Crooked Spoons" and actually the whole "The Ascension" album. Personaly, I think Otep is like a Marilyn Manson and Slipknot hybrid of something.
Depeche Mode is great. They have totally their own sound and many songs that gets stuck in my head all day.
I haven't heard it all yet but I like of course "Precious", "Break the Silence", "Everything Counts", "Walking in my Shoes", "People are People", "Wrong" and so on.
And PS, I don't kill if you comment.
Jaa ne!